Festival do Clube de Criação São Paulo 45º Anuário
Create an initiative or service that FIAT could develop to improve the mobility of Brazilians in the post-pandemic context.​​​​​​
We presented two ideas, both made it to the shortlist. One won the yearbook award.
Reciclando um hábito com FIAT 
Prêmio Anuário - Student Category​​​​​​​

(Campaign created as M.AD student in 2020)
To remember the importance of use the bike as the main transport, FIAT is going to open the first bicycle store made of recycled cars, promoting recycle the old habit of riding a bike. ​​​​​​​
Bicicletários móveis FIAT
Shortlist - Student Category
To help with this problem and spread its Strada and Toro models, FIAT will make these cars available as mobile bicycle garages, showing the benefit of being able to take whatever you need on them and their load capacity.

Art Director - Anderson Queiroz
Copywriter - Belen Contreras